[top clockwise] Ok, Ok, Not Ok, Ok
[top to bottom] Not Ok, Not Ok
0) Click the double arrow button to switch to player vs. player (before starting the game)
1) Click multiple times to change from Big piece to Small piece
2) When "eating", eat from diagonal piece, Don't eat from adjacent piece or the score may be zero. Do not place pieces under a diagonal eating stack
3) Small pieces can be used to block opponent's Big placement square
4) After moving, click the red/green button above the board
5) You may choose to defend (sometimes) and go for "eating spree" after opponent finishes all his Big pieces
6) You may use SeTT with touchscreen. Tap multiple times to set or clear a square
7) Score depends how many of your pieces surround and overlap on how many opponent pieces. More opponent's defenders (side by side) cuts down your score.
8) Do not make vertical stacks of pieces, except imposing diagonally on an opponent's piece(s)
9) Paste in a move list and step thru it via RightArrow key [reload page first]