My Python3 Apps

This is a page for my Python3 apps which can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac, if you have python3 installed and the modules they need installed, via pip or apt-get etc. Check the source and modify it or drop me an e-mail at: if you can't get them running somehow. And, yes, all my apps are open source and FREE to do anything you want with. All archives were shrunk with 7zip (it's FREE too).

My low-end browser project is discontinued indefinitely as it cannot play well with Javascript. There is also a lack of a market for it. Instead, I have developed SeTT (a little timewaster game). Instead of a language, I made PupL, a signature generator that's encoded. Not finished yet but you can get your signature(s) generated, just not compared yet. It's a cool way to meet friends that's semi-private.


Yak is a 4 track sequencer utilizing wav samples you can record yourself. I haven't tried it but it should accept long samples, like sound bites(?) It uses 123 notation and supports key changes in mid bar. Also supports tweakable humanization. Comes with 4 sample instruments I made myself. Being simple, it is ideal for children and those studying composition.
Download yak.7z | Make-samples script | Export example [mp3]
** v1.0.0b: threading and progress bar. Stop play with [Esc]
** v0.9.9b: fixed sample assigned to track line during scrub


ChiCN (chicken pie) is a Chinese speller which uses common ASCII symbols to approximate the shape of ideograms. It's easy because you only need to remember a few strokes to generate a list of choices, thus spelling a char. very easily and quickly. It supports learning up to 5 thousand chars.
Download chi.7z


Vrs is a Bible search tool. Right now it uses a JSON Bible file which I got from a Catholic web site. It was well formatted, thus suitable. The app is simple to learn, cute, and I hope many Christians and apologetics will keep it as a widget on their desktops / laptops for quick reference as well as note taking. The star feature is its powerful search function which uses only 5 operators: START, WITH, SEEK, NOT, SHARE.
Download vrs.7z
** v0.9.3b: saves scroll positions
** v0.9.2b: mouse wheel scrolling, search annotations, copy verses, bug fixes.


CHR is an easier-to-use app compared to Drafter and NiP. It provides a user interface for writers to dip into and modify their story outline without restrictions of where and when. It is the super Stickies app you've been waiting for. | outline.txt | README_chr.txt
** v0.4.0b: Control-1 / Control-2 to adjust fuzzy matching when results don't appear or are too many
** v0.3.5b: RBSEJ tagging and NLP (being tuned)
** v0.3.4b: color-tagged buttons, updates faster, easier shortcuts, debugged search
** v0.3.0b: min-max window on Esc, flip through search history, wildcard search, outline file switch
** v0.1.5b-0.2.0b: removed trailing newline, aligned button text left, fixed save-edit eats outline file bug, began debugging ";;" search